Thanks for dropping by my personal blog. This is a scrapbook of stuff about the digital networked society that caught my eye. Many of the last two years' posts are now open, but the content properly got going back in 1999 when I first started lecturing about how the digital networked economy would impact social behaviour. Some posts go way back to diaries and travel journals from the early nineties, just as the first ripples of networked life started to be felt. It's only a scrapbook that I sometimes use in my teaching, but if you want, then you can find out more about this blog, or skip to some of the more popular posts, including how US presidential challenges made it online in 98, projects I helped out with in Ethiopia in 2000, what it was like to discover wireless hotspots in 2001, or challenges with internet access in Italy in '05. Remember it's only a private little space for random jottings; you're welcome to comment, but be polite to others and keep on topic. I hope you find it useful or interesting, and feel free to let me know. Home is where you hang your @, and you'll find mine around [email protected]